Groovy Paper Prints

Channel your inner Picasso.

What you need:

  • Shaving Cream — the fluffy white kind — NOT gel
  • Food coloring — can be regular or gel based
  • Skewer, toothpicks, or a pencil
  • Flat Tupperware lid — I like a shoe-box lid, you could also use a flat piece of cardboard like a cereal box
  • Squeegee
  • Paper — white or light-colored computer paper, construction paper, card stock or stationary work great!

All these items are available at your local grocery store! So have your parents snag them on their next grocery run!

What you do:

Spray a thick layer (about an inch high) of shaving cream in nice long strokes onto the Tupperware lid and then use your squeegee to smooth it

Drip different food colors onto the shaving cream leaving white space between

Using your skewer, swirl baby swirl — don’t mix too much though! You want to see those designs!

Gently lay your paper onto your shaving cream and smooth; leave it on for a few seconds.

Slowly lift your paper off the shaving cream starting at one end.

Lay your paper on a flat surface and brace it with one hand.

Squeegee the shaving cream off and let dry for a few minutes.

Rinse your squeegee and repeat! You can get a few different prints from the same shaving cream by adding more color to the same cream! Experiment! The process of this craft is part of the fun!

Clean up after yourself! Pretend you are at camp and your parents aren’t there to clean up after you!


Now you have some groovy dyed paper to write your best camp buddy a letter, fold some sweet origami or annoy your brother and sister with a sweet paper airplane!

Show and tell!

Tell us what you do with your paper! Tag us on Instagram @llyouthcamp or upload your cool designs using the link below. You never know, your design may be featured on our Instagram account or in our next newsletter! Excited to see your creativity!