How many summers did you spend in the Canyon?
5 years – 1 at Singing Hills and 4 at Echo Valley
Singing Hills
Do you have a favorite camp memory?
Oh gosh, where do I begin? If I had to narrow it down, I would have four:
Blue Aliens
What do you miss most about your summers at camp?
The smell. When dropping our daughters off, I love the smell of the Hill Country. It takes me back to my LLYC time.
How does LLYC still impact your life today?
Through my daughters. Our oldest attended her 5th summer and it was our youngest’s first year. My daughters’ stories take me back to an impactful time of learning about God’s love, making friends from diverse backgrounds and learning how to clean a toilet and mop a floor!
Goofy Skit with Allison
What are you up to these days?
I am a mother of two, Elizabeth (13) and Samantha (8), happily married to Jeremy, and am the Director of Human Resources at The Association of Former Student at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX.
My eldest daughter is also friends with fellow camper, Paxson Cole, the son of a friend, Erin Ginther Cole, whom I met during my camp days. We live around the corner from them now.
Our Family