The LLYC office is abuzz with the arrival of this year’s interns—Ethan Oliver and Molly McIntire. Bringing a variety of experience from their respective years at Singing Hills and Echo Valley, Ethan and Molly are the perfect addition to serve alongside our full-time staff this coming year.
Ethan first worked as a Singing Hills Counselor in the summer of 2015. Marshall’s instinct was spot on! Ethan was a great fit at LLYC. After finishing first half at LLYC that summer, Ethan jumped straight into a month-long YL Summer Staff commitment at SharpTop Cove, then came right back to LLYC to work one more session as a Jam session counselor. Ethan knew LLYC was the place for him.
He reflects, “It is so fun to live and work in a place with people I love. And we all love what we get to do—sharing the gospel with kids, helping them connect with each other and grow in their understanding of Christ.”
Ethan returned to the Hills the next three summers—in 2016 as a Programmer, 2017 as the Special Events Coordinator, and 2018 as Guys’ Director. With every summer and each different role, Ethan learned that “it truly is the people that make Camp what it is. The longer I’m out there, the shorter the summers get.”
Ethan graduated from A&M in the spring of 2017 with a degree in Recreation Park and Tourism Sciences with an emphasis in Youth Development. He is thrilled to get the LLYC internship and cannot wait for all that lies ahead this year—serving with the full time LLYC team as they prepare for next summer. Ethan’s strengths lie in his ability to connect with people, look ahead at what needs to be accomplished, and help set teams up for success. What a great addition to the team.
If you’ve ventured into Echo Valley in the past five years, chances are good you’ve met Molly McIntire. Molly grew up in Corpus Christi surrounded by friends who attended and loved LLYC. And even though she loved the camp she grew up attending, Molly remembers always having a special interest in LLYC— especially as she became old enough for staff.
“Everyone around me talked about how strong the LLYC community was,” Molly recalls, “and I wanted to be a part of that.”
During the spring of her senior year in high school, she applied to LLYC and was hired as an Echo Valley counselor for the summer of 2013. Molly loved everything about being an LLYC Counselor. And for the next 4 years, she returned to Echo Valley and Singing Hills as a Counselor, Sugar Shack Boss, Programmer, and Girls’ Director. Molly says that each of these roles was formative and rewarding in very different ways. She grew in her faith, leadership skills, confidence, and understanding of how the Lord made her.
Majoring in Journalism, Molly graduated in the spring of 2017 from A&M with a BA in Telecommunication Studies. After graduation, she spent a semester working as a teacher’s aid in a three-year-old classroom. To her surprise she adored the work and planned to sign on for another year.
But LLYC Director, Karla Heath, encouraged her to apply for the LLYC internship. Molly was hesitant, but her dad said, “Just apply. That internship could be a really good step forward.”
As the interview process unfolded and she learned more about the ins and outs of the program, Molly knew her dad had been right. She is looking forward to a lot this next year—especially being a part of and giving back to a team who has given so much to her.